Welcome to TomWorld, enjoy!

What you will find here is lots of links to some weird stuff that interest me - like movies, environment, working s#¤&, CV, numismatics, Mensa, awesome sports, etc… - quite much.

Useful? NO! Funny? Sometimes. Interesting in other ways? Maybe!? But anyway, let me know if have any questions about all of this mail to: [email protected]

Most of the stuff is still yet to come, so be patient, my friends !


TGofTC, Starting with the Finnish

TGofTC, Nokia

TGofTC, Nokia and IBM

TGofTC, Vodafone

TGofTC, SonyEricsson

TGofTC, TeliaSonera

TGofTC, TeliaSonera 2

TGofTC, Elcoteq

Movies and stuff



Taxes & Entrepreneurship in Finland


Luomumaa –project

Funny stuff

Pic’s from around…

SW and other stuff to download

Everything else